
More people live in slavery today than ever before!!

That's NOT OKAY with me! 


My name is Naomi, currently I am a SAHWM (stay at home working Mom). My husband pastors a small church in Alberta, we have two teens!

Before this chapter in my life, I worked for the SA (Servants Anonymous) Foundation, an incredible Canadian Christian organization specializing in setting up long term recovery programs around the world for survivors of sexual exploitation and their children. I did fund & project development and was a house mom in the frontline recovery home, living with women who had fled a life of sexual exploitation. In two years, I had over 40 roommates! It was the most exciting two years of my life! I also helped start SAF's first international project in Nepal. While in Nepal I started my first social enterprise. I truly had no idea what I was doing but, what I knew was that to keep women from being forced to sell their bodies, they needed sustainable dignified employment and skills! 

Here are some fun (awful) pictures of the first handicraft business I started in Kathmandu, Nepal! Those first woolen items were so terrible! It's really a miracle they sold!! They were so itchy. hahahaha


Since we could only sell toques for part of the year I decided to get into jewelry. I had never made a piece of jewelry in my entire life! I had to get my husband, who is a fly tie-er to help me. He taught me knots and other techniques. 

In 2017, I regretfully stepped away from SA Foundation to be home with the kids. I soon realized I still needed a platform to keep speaking about the global sex trade - a cause that I feel called to give my life to. Redeemed was started accidentally and has continued to grow and gain momentum. We started redeeming old belts and turning them into cuffs. I just loved the symbolism of taking old discarded belts, investing in them and giving them new life! Exactly what every sexually exploited person needs and deserves. 


Thanks to the loyal support of our followers and partner businesses, we have given away over $44,00.00 to eight different charities in three countries helping strengthen their life saving work.

LORD WILLING - perhaps we can add more zeros to that number!?

When cell phones became mainstream, I saw the sex trade and its predators move online and potentially to the same spaces our children hang out! Knowing what I know about these violent men, I couldn't remain silent. 

Today, my main focus is using Redeemed to speak to groups about the harms on line. Our cell phones and the apps we use are the strongest, closest and greatest connector from the global sex trade to our families and vice versa. We have to be ready and equipped to fight this aggressive predator. Naomi has spoken to thousands of parents of the years and several hundred teens to empower and equip. Please read more in the SPEAKING tab to learn about how you can book a presentation. 





  • 2017-2018 SA Foundation received $5,500.00 
  • 2018 - 2019 Mully Children’s Foundation, the largest family in the world!  $3,546.00
  • 2019 - 2020 LIFT International working in some of the darkest corners of the world in Thailand   $5,544.00
  • 2020 - 2021 Defend Dignity, working with businesses and governments to push for change here in Canada   Donated $7,500. 
  • Charity special exception - August 2021 Global Catalytic Ministries, emergency kits to Afghanistan $1,680.92
  • September 2021 - June, 2022 IJM - Canada! $6,500.00 donated
  • September 2022 - April, 2023 Next Step Ministries. $4,500.00 
  • May 2023 - Aug, 2024 HER VICTORY. Donated $7,300.00
  • Dec 2024 IJM Canada $2000.00

    Total donated to charity:  Cdn $44,070.92



    • As we can, we import survivor made jewelry from other frontline organizations like Starfish Project & Purpose Jewelry. We also import ethically made product from social enterprises working in impoverished and high risk communities to support the family unit, keep kids at home, and decrease their vulnerability to sexual exploitation and trafficking i.e. from Shop Just One, Faro
    • Most of our jewelry is made by myself and a single mom I support. Recently, I've also been hiring my teen's friends! So the pieces are made ethically by us, however, I do wrestle with the fact that I cannot verify that all the raw materials I purchase are ethically made. :( I have tried only purchasing finished products from other social enterprises but I find the styles very limited and I suspect some of them purchase their raw materials from the same outlets I use. This is a dilemma. If I do not purchase these raw materials, because I cannot guarantee their production process, then I will not be able to produce anything and cannot support charities. This is what I've come to: I think it's important we all do our best to shop consciously as much as we can while realizing that we cannot verify every product we purchase. Just like the smartphone and laptop I am using now, I cannot guarantee that child and slave labour was not used to mine the cobalt used in these batteries. I do my best by making the pieces myself, donating the proceeds and supporting ethical as much as possible while inviting others to consider their consumer choices and put pressure on large companies like Apple, Gap, Nike, Nestle, etc. to clean up their production line! If you find this acceptable, I appreciate your support and invite you to help us make an impact in our world in the ways we can. 
    • I have carefully researched and source ethically made chocolate that does not use child slave labour to give consumers ethical choices locally.  The two companies I use are: My Sweet Sweet World and Wild Mountain Chocolate. Shola, the Founder of My Sweet purchases his cocoa from his Dad in Nigeria who sources it from Shola's Mom's village! Please note the Fair Trade Label does not necessarily mean, child labour is NOT used!! Here are two great and recent podcasts on children in the cocoa industry Justice Studio Dark Side of Chocolate Documentary.



    • We partner with several locally owned boutiques, who donate shelf space to us to help empower consumers to shop ethically and raise awareness on issues of sexual exploitation, human trafficking and slavery. See our growing list of partner stores here
    • Naomi has spoken in churches, schools and clubs to thousands of concerned parents and hundreds of youth across Alberta to raise awareness and equip parents, families and youth to push back against online dangers. 

    • By speaking openly on social media about these issues, Naomi has had so many people reach out to tell their horror stories of how porn has impacted their marriage, how they have lost a child to video game addiction, how social media has negatively affected their girls pushing them to self harm, depression and even suicide attempts, how their girls were groomed, lured and forced into the sex trade, how their boys lost their lives as a result of sextortion, etc.
    • Every family is being negatively impacted these days by the brain altering apps we have all become dependent on. To add further harm to injury these apps are used heavily by people of ill intent, with children as their target. It is time as a society to push back! 


    #4. WHAT CAN YOU DO?

    • If you are passionate about fighting this cause, if you love our story, join us! Spread the word, gift Redeemed, share the love on social media, donate shelf space if you are a business owner, book a presentation, etc. You name it! The opportunities are endless for those who seek justice. I can't wait to connect with you or see your sweet name on our order list! 

    "Each time you spend money you cast a vote on the kind of world you live in." 

    Anna Lape



    Naomi Holland 


    p.s. Purchasing from us should not replace actual donations given directly to charities. Charities need donations. We encourage you to do both if you can! Thank you :)